Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Intimacy of Reading and Adaptation of Technology Approach of eReading

PRINT books may be under siege from the rise of e-books , but they  still have a  hold on a particular sentimental  reader groups   especially for  the more matured readers,
At  the same  time, another group  of parents from the baby  boomer era still envy the hold of a physical book in their hand , and they  also  will like their   off spring   or  grand children   to have the   access to  books  in this ebook  era .

This group of reader feel  the  next generation of readers should at  least spend their early year with physical  and  hardcover books  ,the old fashion  way  . This is the case even with parents who are themselves also  download  ebooks onto Kindles,  iPads, laptops and phones.

This  e-generation are  more savvier  and believe  that old standards   should also be maintained , they are  more  eager to  maintain  this digital  double standard   saying they want children to be surrounded by print books, to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes , colours and animals  but meantime  also  to  be introduced to interactive audio  ebooks .
Pottermore Audio 

They  feel   to have  Printed books is the responsibility  of the publishers ,Libraries, bookstore   and Schools . They should  maintain  books for all the general public   and  to allow  their children to access to  for  their hands on and physical engagement is  important for sentimental value  but the approach to acceptance  to new technology is even  more important      

As the ebook  turns digital at a faster rate than publishers expected, sales of e-books for titles aimed at children under eight have barely changed   since the last 10 years , the main reason  being
many print books are also bought as gifts, children’s books are also a high sales generating product  for brick and-mortar bookstores

All this  will  also changed in time ,as  bookstore are also getting creative to  introduce gadgets  able to provide ereading with music  interface for audio video  demonstration targeted   to children so that   they  can interact  with the digital media content   which  provide a distinct clear way for  presenting content  of the  books with interactive digital multimedia content

While  the printing industry  progresses  and try to cope  to their  new  demand of e reading  , Publishers say they are gradually increasing  to  convert  book s into digital format, even though it is time-consuming and expensive , and developers have been busy creating interactive children’s book apps to  suits the new development trends

While the entry of new tablet devices from Barnes and Noble and Amazon this autumn is expected to increase the demand for  children’s e-books, several publishers said the industry  will slowly split  into  multiple platform as  some bookstore   will focus to ebook publishing  while others  will maintain printed books

Entrepreneur who helps companies update their technology, feels  that  to  meet  up with industry  requirement , Intimacy  is something   that  can appreciated ,but not  at the sacrifice  to  the forefront onslaught of Newer technology , as they are the main driver to  the new economy  .

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